Saturday, February 27, 2010


>>mungkin ramai kerabat toyama yang mengenali mfr studio..
>>tapi pernah tak korang dengar pasal RINDU DOT ORG????

>>laman web nih adalah hasil kerja mfr studio dan rakan2nya..
>>sesapa yang berdarah seni tu bolehla usya2..
>>ada selit2 pasal islamik sikit..
>>memang sesuai dengan semua golongan usia..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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I have a virus which disables safemode theirs a program that forces the computer into safe mode I ran it and my computer is trying to go into safe mode but the virus is disabling it and causing y computer to endlessly loop and not turn on, ever! I tried recovery consol and everything just had to make an account to ask this because no one knows the answer. I have been tryign to remove a couple of viruses that disable my taskmanager and my safe mode boot. So to force my computer into safe mode, i used bootsafe. Now my computer is stuck in an infinite loop attempting to go into safe mode but it restarts into the first page. I went into recovery consol and typed DEL boot.bat that seemed convincing so i retryed and it didnt work. So im desperate for help. Theirs years worth of pictures in their.

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